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Parents Expectations
Olympiacos FC recognizes that the parents are an integral part of player’s support team. It is important that our parents observe the guidelines established by the Club, Leagues, and US Youth Soccer.
As a Olympiacos FC parent:
I shall….
• Encourage and support my child’s experience and play on the field
• Encourage good sportsmanship and self-discipline to my child and teammates through example
• Support the coach, manager and the team
• Respect officials and accept their decisions
• Familiarize myself with the laws of the game
• Comply with rules, policies, and procedures of the team and the club
• Discuss my child ….
1. ONLY with my coach
2. Not with the manager or others
3. Only at a time mutually agreed by the coach
4. Never prior to, during or directly after the game
• Discuss any and all unresolved issues with the Club Director
Further I will never…
• Engage in dissent directed to an official
• Engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with coach, manager, player, parent, or any official
• Coach from the sidelines
• Disrespect opposing team players
• Interfere at any time with the duties and responsibilities of the coach or manager
• Act in any way that is detrimental to the team or the Ventura County FC